Effective Teaching and Learning in Practice provides an exploration of practical teaching strategies supported by practical experience, research evidence and theory. Don Skinner uses examples from a wide range of teaching and educational contexts, drawing on international developments and best practice, to provide a comprehensive, practical guide to teaching and learning.
Topics explored include:
• Learning through Action and Experience
• Inter-Disciplinary Learning
• Understanding and Developing Pedagogy
• Researching and Developing Teaching
Written in an accessible style, each chapter contains ‘Teaching Development Activity' and ‘Reflective Exploration' boxes to allow the reader to analyze their own thinking, teaching and learning. Key reading and useful website suggestions are given at the end of each chapter, linking to sources for further exploration.
Essential for all students in initial teacher training, Effective Teaching and Learning in Practice provides a comprehensive overview of teaching and learning. Recently qualified and established teachers undertaking professional development and looking to develop their practice.