"You will be hooked from the first page." -- Kelly Elliott, New York Times bestselling author "Everything that I've come to expect from a Kelly Siskind novel---characters that make me smile, laugh, and swoon." -- Jennifer Blackwood, USA Today bestselling author "Crackles with wit and heat!" -- M. O'Keefe Some guys should come with a warning label . . . Sawyer West is Mr. One-Night Stand. He doesn't do relationships or promises or feelings. He's never cared enough to get involved. Until Lily Roberts. She's sweet and shy and sexy as sin, and resisting her is testing his self-control. She believes Sawyer can be a better man, and for the first time in his life, he wants to be. But change isn't easy, and Sawyer would do anything to protect Lily from his past self. Even break his own heart . . .
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