In recent years a lot of emphasis has been placed on obtaining consent for surgical and medical procedures to avoid litigation. This has become an integral part of clinical risk management and clinical governance. Problems relating to consent are the reason for a great proportion of medico-legal claims. Adequate, informed consent and better record keeping will avoid a lot of complaints and litigation.
This book aims to help to understand the types of consent , how to obtain consent, and its medico-legal implications when things go wrong. It is designed to help in obtaining consent for common procedures undertaken in obstetrics and gynaecology. It is intended not only for doctors, but also for midwives, nursing staff, medical students and allied health professionals. And it is also particularly relevant for overseas doctors who are new and generally less familiar with the risk management, clinical governance and litigation system in the UK.
Another use of this book is to provide an invaluable on the spot reference for various operations and their complications, ways and means of minimising risk, and dealing with difficult situations.
The speciality of obstetrics and gynaecology is sued more frequently than any other. This book should help all those who are involved in the ob/gyn department to minimise the risk and danger of incurring such action.