K M Adimoolam's art resists easy categorisation. He brings to his work a genuine spirit of enquiry, and a continually rejuvenating wonder at the generative cosmic possibilities of art. He makes profoundly aesthetic choices, bringing to his abstract painting and apparently realistic drawing sheer, unambiguous artistic skills. Adimoolam is primarily optimistic; his paintings resonate with a pleasure in the sensuality of the medium of oil, its dexterity and movement, and its ability to translate emotion into colour. What all the works have in common is his preoccupation with presences and fields outside his immediate perception, and a graded move towards the ideal space of pure abstraction. This for Adimoolam is the vivid, magnetic other, the field of consciousness -- energy or citsakti -- one that is not personalised in any way, but which hints at the possibility of the deepest realisation.