The influential and highly practical looseleaf service covers all the practicalities of going on-line, including subjects as diverse as hiring a web designer, contracting with internet service providers, preparing a web page and introducing an email policy for employees. The key features include: information on all relevant EU law; details on foreign case decisions in relation to domain names and trademarks covering US, French and Spanish cases; many examples of Internet contracts included together with examples of how to word relevant clauses; an important set of appendices that include internet contracts; web page design guidelines; copyright permission notices; website disclaimers; and privacy policies; the important taxation issues; plus a section on interception of emails. This looseleaf service is updated two to three times a year and incorporates all relevant changes in the law such as the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Electronic Signatures Regulations, the Council Regulation on Community Designs and the new EU Directive on e-privacy. Updates charged for on publication.