Despite its comparatively monolithic-constitutive base in terms of a Han majority, China incessantly struggles to establish its legitimacy, both domestically and internationally, Towards this endeavor, China is increasingly relying on manifestation of soft-power techniques by creating a cultural ambience of the peaceful rise of China to achieve its nationalistic goals, further reinforced by an endemic discourse of nationalism. This work identifies a range of structural as well as personality factors which continue to shape the trajectory of domestic Chinese nationalism and its projection internationally. Beginning with the delineation of nationalism as understood by China's political leadership such as Sun Yatsen and Mao Zedong, a detailed analysis of the Chinese public and sphere in terms of its Internet, Literature, Cinema and Sports, especially the Beijing Olympics in 2008, has been made. The book will be of enduring interest to both scholars and students of Chinese as well as practitioners and policymakers interested in China.