Food waste has evolved into a global crisis, casting a long shadow over nations and the interconnected fabric of our world. The repercussions of this excess reverberate through environmental and socio-economic landscapes, demanding immediate attention. Globally, the challenge of reducing food waste is acknowledged as a linchpin in achieving a sustainable future. The book Sustainable Disposal Methods of Food Wastes in Hospitality Operations confronts this escalating issue head-on. It contends that the time is ripe for a change in waste disposal practices, advocating for sustainable methods to alleviate environmental strain, combat climate change, and safeguard public health. This book delves into the heart of waste management principles and strategies. Beyond identifying the severity of the issue, the book ventures into uncharted territories, exploring emergent debates surrounding systemic causes and solutions. In a world where information and communication technology empower organizations, a gap persists in translating these advancements into effective waste management initiatives. The book urges a holistic understanding of the issue, drawing attention to the need for collaborative efforts between governments and private industry players to bridge this divide. As it provides a global perspective, the handbook becomes a tool for those seeking to comprehend the intricate web of challenges posed by food waste and navigate towards a sustainable future. This guide isn't just an academic pursuit; it serves as a call to action for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike. Curated for a diverse audience, including environmentalists, government officials, researchers, and students, the handbook extends its reach to lecturers, service organizations, and operational professionals. It underscores the imperative for a collective effort in redefining waste management practices, offering insights into practical solutions that extend from behavior change and social innovation to cutting-edge technologies. Sustainable Disposal Methods of Food Wastes in Hospitality Operations is not just a handbook; it is a roadmap that guides its readers towards a sustainable future where food waste is not just a problem, but a solvable challenge through informed action and collaboration.