A jolly jape. A darkly comic crime caper with a salient social message. Predicated on the puerile piffle characteristic of the tabloid press, this is a refreshingly unique novel. Sharply witty, it brings you suspense, ingenuity, adventure, romance, laugh-out-loud comedy and some sporadic eroticism. Jonathon is cross about the deleterious effect on impressionable people of the shallow tabloid media and he sets about recruiting some disaffected ex-servicemen to blow up their printing-presses. Another recruit erases all their websites. An unfortunate coincidence leads Detective Inspector Foot to his door, but Jonathon has a cast-iron alibi and at first he gets away with it. He also recruits someone to hack into some TV programs, and people see titles like 'why are you watching this rubbish?' appear on their screens. Interspersed, he enjoys various adventures with his two children and his naughty new girlfriend, Bianca, and months later the crimes remain unsolved. Detective Inspector Foot, however, remains sceptical about Jonathon, assumes he is guilty, and sets about uncovering some evidence...