The articles:
Anna-Leena Siikala:
Transformations of the Kalevala Epic.
Kalevala metre
Matti Kuusi:
Questions of Kalevala metre
Pentti Leino:
The Kalevala metre and its development
Mikko Korhonen:
The early history of the Kalevala metre
Performance and variation
Lauri Harvilahti:
The Ingrian epic poem and its models
Pertti J. Anttonen:
Ethnopoetic analysis and Finnish oral verse
Thomas DuBois:
An ethnopoetic approach to Finnish folk poetry: Arhippa Perttunen's Nativity
Jukka Saarinen:
The Päivölä song of Miihkali Perttunen
Themes, images and intertextuality
Satu Apo:
Ale, spirits, and patterns of mythical fantasy
Eino Kiuru:
The wife-killer theme in Karelian and Russian songs
Henni Ilomäki:
Song in ritual context: North Karelian wedding songs
Lotte Tarkka:
Other worlds - symbolism, dialogue and gender in Karelian oral poetry
Women's voice
Senni Timonen:
The Mary of women's epic
Leea Virtanen:
Women's songs and reality
Anneli Asplund:
Mother and daughter - in the footsteps of the itinerant singers
Teos sisältää parikymmentä englanninkielistä artikkelia kalevalamitasta, suomalaisesta mytologiasta, kansanrunouden esitystavoista ja -tilanteista, naisten perinteestä.