Life has evolved in an extraordinary way to deal with the most extreme physical and chemical conditions. Extremophilic (extreme-loving) organisms have been found in the superheated waters of deep ocean vents or the hypersaline and cold lakes of Antarctica and indeed often require the extreme conditions of their habitat to survive and thrive. The cellular machinery of extremophiles has developed unique adaptation strategies to effectively function in their given environment. Much scientific attention has focussed on the adaptation of proteins as they have both structural and catalytic functions and hence play key roles in all cellular processes. Moreover, their ability to perform in or withstand extreme physical and chemical conditions has made extremophilic proteins attractive bio-catalysts for a range of industrial and biotechnological applications. This novel and significant book comprehensively summarises our current understanding regarding the structure-function-stability relationship of extremophilic proteins. Leading experts in the field extensively review and comment on the adaptation of proteins to the whole spectrum of physical and chemical extremes. This book represents an important and indispensable reference for students, teachers and researchers with interest or activities in the fascinating area of extremophiles.