Great Spirit says, only to the pure and wise, will I reveal the mysteries of my heavens, therefore, Spiritual educations has to be studied with spiritual senses and not with corporeal senses of men the Great Spirit has made, unseen to rule over the seen, and therefore, angels have power over men and on corporeal worlds. Here I am revealing the unseen worlds all men's residence after their death, also residence of all angels, those are earthbound angels with earthly desires, and also the unlearned the lowest in grade of intelligence, also the pure and wise angels, who are in the schools and colleges of resurrections, (heavens) it goes higher and higher. These are the kingdoms of God, chief of Heaven and Earth in-charge of men and angels for their resurrections, also the in-charge of affairs of heaven and earth. Our God is chosen and assigned by the higher Gods from Nirvana, as a ambassador of the most high, the Great Spirit for particular time, for three thousand years, then, another God is chosen and assigned.