This book offers a human portrairt of a legendary figure in national politics as shared by his inner circle."The Centennial Senator" gives unprecedented access into the life of U.S. Senator J. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina through personal reflections from more than one hundred fifty friends, staffers, colleagues, and constituents. From presidents, senators, and Supreme Court justices to Thurmond's legislative assistants and personal driver, the senator's inner circle speaks here about their unforgettable interactions with the man behind the lore. Through their memories Thurmond emerges as a multifaceted individual - politician, boss, ladies' man, family man, fitness advocate, backseat driver, soldier, dancer, and friend - who, across his many roles and one hundred years, held public service to his state and nation as the highest calling.Collected by Thurmond's chief of staff, these stories and quips are further enhanced by a foreword by U.S. Senator Bob Dole. The contributors include Joe Biden, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, James B.
Edwards, Gerald Ford, Newt Gingrich, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Trent Lott, Sandra Day O'Connor, William Rehnquist, Alan Simpson, Clarence Thomas, John Walsh, Joe Wilson, and many others.
Foreword by: Bob Dole