quot iE i. quot -.. - j --j.- 4 j M -. J t j, . quot n s-J r Designed for Young People of Tears Containing selections in both prose and poetry together with sosne short dialogues and tableaux Compiled, by Mrs. J. W. SHOEMJHQER JKutth of Philadelphia The Pen i Publishing Company J908 PREFACE Ittle volume is designed for children betweea - L the ages of five and fifteen years. The need, as well as the numerous inquiries for a work of this kind, has led to the preparation of the present compilation, Our resources for collecting that which is fresh, varied, and vigorous are many and, while engaged in the task of arranging, three things were kept promi nently in view first, that the selections should neither be long nor tedious second, that there should be an abundant variety and, third, that the tone or character should be healthful. Hence, there are short pieces both of poetry and prose, some treating of plant and animal life, some of childhood pleasures, some brimming with innocent fun, some filled with patriotic fervor, some with bits of philosophy, and others designed to inspire the soul with motives toward truth, honor, right, and iuty. IT PREFACE. A. few dialogues and acting tableaux are appended, and thus tli rough its adaptability it is believed that the will meet the wants of children for the merry makings in the home circle, for church anniversaries, for school exhibitions. Such then is the style and character of this collection of Beadings and Eecitations which we offer to you, the Young Folks of our Beloved I and, trusting you may find in it much to gratify and please, and, above all, that which will lead your minda und hearts to thoughts Beautiful, Pure, and Good MRS. J. W.SHOEMAKER fkihdelpkia, January 1st, 1884. CONTENTS. iee8fml4fe JemuiA . . . . 1 Do 9 How Cyrus Laid the Cable . . 10 Little by Little 11 What the Winds Bring JSdaanmd daremc S doum 12 TheTwoBoads 12 The Boy s Complaint 13 Never Say Tail 14 Farewell of the Birds M. K. P. 1ft Boys quot Wanted 17 Bo Bight 17 Go l Deeds Dr. 2. Cbo ner ..... 18 The Two Commands 18 A Christmas EYO Adventure Jf . if. 19 The Way to Bo It . Mary Jfopes Dodge .... 21 Speak ths Truth . . 22 Battle Bonny MalTem HiE Brrf JBarte ........ 23 A CMld g Wisdom. 25 Tbe Nobility of Labor Me. OrmKeDewe. ... 26 Lazy Daisy 27 The Moon and the Child George Jacqm 28 The Sparkling Bowl John Pi rymt 29 Sweet Peas . Lilian Parson 30 The King and the Child Eugene J. So 31 Do TOE Know How Many Stars 33 The Fathers of the BepttbEc ... - Everett . 34 A Horse s Petition to His DriTer 34 Antony on the Death of Caesar Shakespeare ... ... 35 Sour Grapes 35 BeinEarnest . Bnlwer 36 Suppose PhcebeCanf 37 The SqnirreFs Lesson 38 Homesick 39 War Inevitable Patrick Smry 41 That Calf Phoebe Gary ....... 42 Johnny the Stout 44 What the Minutes Say 45 The Little Boy s Lament 4 Mature SagKMHer 4T The Boy and the Frog 47 Homeopathic Soup V f I CONTENTS. LiBMtoKate ...... ...... . ......... ....... BO Sra d Scheme of lmlgm m ........... ........... 82 Brave aad True ..... .......... Henry Jkwtio ...... 53 this G bler ................ . ............. M Whai fthe Matter .............. H. K. P. ......... 65 Peaceable Secession .............. IFeZwter ......... 56 Baiy s Soliloqny ............................ 57 A Tribute to Water .......... .... J0 B. Ctapfc ...... 58 Sin . ........ ........... . Baxter. ... ...... 60 February Tweaty-woaid .......... .JoyABuon ....... 61 Hit Stolen CwtanJ ... ........................ 62 Semelxidy a Mother ....... . ...... JfocmtZZon ........ 63 Willie s Brecb ...... . ....... EUa G. Sdklyury ..... 64 Thomas Carfyte ..... 65 ......... Maria Lacey ....... 66 BeiagaBoy. ................ Charles Dudley Warner . . 7 We Mm All Scratch ...... . ........ . .......... 69 Blowing Bnie .... ........... E. 0. F. Starfay .... 70 When the Frasf is on the Finikin ................... 72 America s Obligations to England ....... Colonel J9orre ...... 73 . .........................