The discovery of antibiotics ushered in an era of activity aimed at eradicating and curing diseases. Now, the field of nanotechnology has opened up avenues of research promising cures for several morbid conditions.
The term nanotechnology deals with the use of particles the size of 10-9 m, that seek to alter cellular expression thereby curing diseases like cancer. The use of nanotechnology also offers several drug delivery systems to target diseased tissue over healthy cells. The field also has seen the employment of nanoparticles in the field of diagnostics offering advantages over traditional diagnosis of diseases. Nanotechnology also offers visualization of cells or specific molecules.
This book seeks to encompass the various principles and techniques used in the field of nanotechnology, their employment in the treatment, diagnosis of diseases and various challenges that need to be addressed. The authors hope to reach across to the readers to assuage their interest in this `nano’ field, presented concisely in this single book.