Korvaava tuote: 9780131496842 For undergraduate or graduate one-semester introductory tax courses; also appropriate for tax courses as part of the business minor.
Perfect for the one-semester course in taxation! Dennis/Escoffier and Fortin's Taxation for Decision Makers 2005 offers basic coverage of all business entities as well as individual and wealth transfer taxation. The decision-making approach helps readers understand how taxes will effect all simple and complex decisions, and covers all topics that will be emphasized on the new computerized CPA exam.
The 2005 Edition provides complete coverage of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliations Act of 2003 and meets all requirements of the AICPA Model Tax Curriculum. In addition, ONEKEY is available with the 2005 edition: OneKey is all you need for the best teaching and learning resources in one place. In a single location, students can access all of the resources that accompany the text using BlackBoard, WebCT, or CourseCompass.