Talent Mapping (TMp)!A first that integrates competencies with workforce plan thinking. This is NOT a WFP book. But actively links competency based WFP. A business competitive WFP capability cost effectively. Is structured with WFP aligned slides, strategies, tools, templates, methods to help organizations understand and execute a talent mobility function. Methods articulated contains integrating with business strategies, staffing competencies and talent centers - a process to formalize an effective hiring/placement/succession process. The book contains several exercises for WFP based talent center methods, processes, templates, best practices, 75 page In Basket, Competency tests, 360-degree feedback, cases, role, culture surveys worksheets. A Ready Reckoner for HR leaders who would like to remain competitive, Talent Work People, Recruiters, Skill Planners, Competency Predictors, Gap Analytics Analysts, Rewards and Cost Managers, Succession Planners, Trainers, HR Consultants and Talent Spotters. LARGE Print.