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While high dependency care may be delivered in designated high dependency units, it also occurs in many other clinical environments. The book provides invaluable information for nurses working in all acute hospital wards and departments including recovery units, high dependency units, acute surgical or medical wards, and accident and emergency units. It is also a useful resource for nurses undertaking specialist post-registration programmes (particularly in critical care), in-house courses, and also those who are new to high dependency nursing. Some chapters are devoted to specific clinical areas such as cardiac care and respiratory care, with others covering broader clinical issues such as pain management and post-operative care. The underpinning anatomy, physiology and pharmacology are included in relevant chapters. In all these areas there is a strong emphasis on clinical application. Chapters on non-clinical, yet vital, components of high dependency nursing are also included to address aspects such as the development, management, interpersonal and social issues associated with high dependency care. The second edition of this highly successful textbook has been thoroughly updated throughout in line with the latest research, clinical and policy developments. Principles and Practice of High Dependency Nursing is an invaluable resource for nurses and managers working in acute care settings and sets the standard for modern high dependency nursing practice.