With visual symptoms occurring in fifty to ninety percent of workers using computers, this practical guide provides careful diagnosis and treatment of visual conditions which can cause visual syndromes. This authoritative text further provides an assessment of the visual ergonomics of a patient's work station, and makes suggestions to reduce the visual demands of a task.
Serves as a readable and practical "how-to" guide to computer-related visual problems that guides the reader in diagnosing and treating computer-related visual disorders.
In-depth coverage addresses both the common visual problems and the environmental factors that cause them.
Action plans in each chapter suggest activities for implementing and applying strategies in the workplace.
A chapter on positioning the practice provides information on how to expand clinical practice into the area of caring for computer-users and improve patient satisfaction.
A chapter on marketing provides the tools needed to bring new patients into the reader's practice and expand the patient base.
Exercises and hand-out materials designed for patient education encourage patient compliance with treatment guidelines.
Up-to-date information on various research studies and notes discusses the evidence-based rationales behind effective practice.
Information on lens products provides information on prescribing lenses designed for computer use.
Discussions of computer-simulation instruments provides information on the purchase and use of computer simulation instruments.