This book evolved from a symposium held at the 242th annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in August 2011 at Denver, CO. The symposium, hosted by the Division of Chemical Education, focused on incorporating SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) ideals into science curricula. SENCER embraces the notion that science education should provide students an opportunity to learn science, to think critically about global issues,
and to act as citizen scientists. The contributors to this book have a deep
appreciation for science education reform and an understanding of the associated issues.
This volume is a follow up to Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach (Edited by Richard D. Sheardy, ACS Symposium Series 1037, 2010) that contained chapters about course redesign, assessment and effective scientific communication. This new book focuses on how the SENCER approach has been expanded to include not just individual courses, but programs of study.