This book is a complete guide to the use of hysteroscopy in the investigation and diagnosis of gynaecological disorders and diseases.
Beginning with an introduction to the technique, discussion on anatomy and physiology of the uterus, and descriptions of other imaging technologies, the book then explains the hysteroscope and procedural techniques.
Each of the following chapters covers the diagnosis of different disorders using hysteroscopy, including polyps and fibroids, abnormal bleeding, infertility, intrauterine adhesions, and much more. The final sections discuss potential complications, medico-legal aspects and anaesthesia in hysteroscopy.
Written by an experienced team of recognised editors and authors, this comprehensive guide features nearly 1300 clinical images and illustrations, and also includes an interactive DVD ROM demonstrating techniques.
Key Points
Complete guide to hysteroscopy in diagnosis of gynaecological disorders
Covers investigation of numerous conditions
Features nearly 1300 images and illustrations
Includes DVD ROM demonstrating techniques