This text takes a nuts-and-bolts approach to news writing for radio, television and the Internet, emphasizing the unique, first-hand experiences of the authors.
Writing Right for Broadcast and Internet News covers the basics of writing for all three electronic media—television, radio and the Internet—from terminology and how stories should look on the printed page to determining exactly what to write. The text is filled with practical, current exercises and anecdotes from the field that are sure to engage students. They will learn how to write stories that are not only factual but compelling. They will also find out how to gather news and will get tips for conducting effective interviews and developing their own writing style.
Writing Right also provides career information, salary data, and advice from professionals provided exclusively for this text. The text is the first in the market to specifically recognize that most broadcast news professionals now have Internet components to their jobs. Because the authors are currently working in broadcasting, they are able to dispel previous myths and offer updated and unique glimpses into the world of local and network radio, television, and Web sites.