This book offers readers twenty crisis case studies from the inside of school buildings. The author_a licensed administrator and former teacher_presents salient situations and incidents that, unfortunately, are almost common occurrences. These might include disaffected pupils; intruder(s) in a building; a school's potentially negative atmosphere; skills learning vs. project learning; and girls fighting. All cases are realistic, timely, and thought-provoking, supplemented with a series of discussion questions for a school staff or safety group or a university student enrolled in an administrative course of study. Rather than a theoretical approach or one based on scientific investigation or a specific model, the author describes events and circumstances that are present and problematic in many schools here and abroad. Becoming familiar with potential solutions is as important as pinpointing available sources in one's own school district. School Crisis Case Studies provides readers with the opportunity to anticipate specific crisis situations and suggests responses, using the security measures and personnel available in the schools they are familiar with.