A Laboratory Manual on Soil Mechanics (Testing and Interpretation) presents an illustrative treatment of the testing techniques of soils in the laboratory and field for determination of engineering properties. Twenty-four select lab-based experiments have been included on the various aspects of Soil Mechanics.
Salient Features:
Illustrative photographs and figures of experimental set-up
Sample data along with interpretation
Calculations and relevant graphs
Viva-voce questions to enable the students prepare for the examinations
The testing procedure, methodology and suitable data presentation tables are based upon relevant Indian standard specifications. The data analysis shall make the students aware of techniques generally used for the determination of soil properties in the laboratory as well as in the field. With its coverage, the book is an indispensable lab manual for the civil engineering students and other allied areas like geotechnical engineering, agricultural engineering etc. It will also be a useful reference for scientists and researchers in the area of soil mechanics studies.