101 Cases in Brain Imaging is a compilation of clinical situations encountered during the practice of neurology. Divided into five sections, the book begins with Congenital Malformations, followed by sections on Vascular Lesions/Malformations, Neoplasms, Cysts, Infective and Inflammatory lesions, with a final section on Metabolic and Degenerative Disorders.
Every case begins with a brief medical history of the patient, which discusses the clinical problem. This is followed by diagnosis and discussion, ultimately solving the case with the aid of one or more investigations.
This book provides a wealth of clinical material on neurological symptoms and clinical signs, as well as key findings represented through 101 cases illustrated by 126 images. 101 Cases in Brain Imaging is an essential reference for residents, neurologists and radiologists.
Key Points
101 illustrated cases including patient history and diagnosis
Wide range of conditions covered
Concise text and simple format for ease of reference