Guide Wave Optics forms the basic science underlying the field of optical fiber communication and integrated optical fiber communication and integrated optics. These areas have seen tremendous growth over the past three decades and continue to be in the forefront of the research under the broad area of photonics. This volume contains articles by authors, who have been active in some of these areas for over two decades. It covers three broad areas -physics of guidance in optical waveguides, guided wave optical components and tools of analysis of such waveguides and components. The topics covered are evolution of single-mode fiber designs including photonic crystal fibers, polarization effects in optical fibers, physics underlying fiber amplifiers like EDFA and Raman amplifiers, spatial and temporal solitons in optical fibres, nonlinear optical effects in optical waveguides, all-fiber components and sensors. The volume also includes analytical and numerical tools to analyse fiber and integrated optical waveguides. This volume should serve as a useful introduction to some of the contemporary areas of research and applications on guided wave optics.