This hands-on course is offered as an online integrated EHR and practice management program through McGraw-Hill’s Connect, an award-winning homework and assessment platform. Connect uses the latest technology to better connect professors to their students, and students to the information and customized resources they need to master a subject. It includes a variety of digital learning tools that enable professors to easily customize courses and allow students to learn and master content and succeed in the course. Students can read and study the content more effectively—spending more time on topics they don’t know and less time on the topics they do—by using LearnSmart and SmartBook, McGraw-Hill’s revolutionary adaptive learning technology, available for the first time with the third edition.
The Worktext provides an introduction to Greenway Health Prime Suite, an ONC-ATCB-Certified online EHR and practice management interoperable physician-based solution. It covers the key topics for EHR including Meaningful Use, with simulated PrimeSUITE exercises in Connect as the vehicle to demonstrate these topics. Attention is paid to providing the “why” behind each task so that the reader can accumulate transferable skills. In this third edition of EHR, ICD-10-CM is the coding system used in exercises. New key terms have been added to several of the chapters. Each chapter ends with a key feature, Applying Your Skills, to give yet another opportunity for students to use what they have learned in each chapter. Additional Prime Suite exercises have been added as well, bringing the total to 70 exercises. This product will be appealing to HIM programs, HIT programs, MIBC programs and more. All exercises are designated with PM, EHR, HIM tags, or some combination of those three.