It is estimated that 1-3 million children and adolescents in the United States alone suffer from depressive disorders. Frequently these disorders are comorbid with other psychiatric disorders.
This volume integrates concisely yet comprehensively advances in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of depressive disorders and bipolar disorders in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Distinguished contributors combine their many years of clinical and research experience to document press in the study of this fast-evolving area.
The book begins with a discussion of depression's clinical manifestations, including epidemiology, neurobiology, and chronobiology of seasonal mood disorders. A section on diagnostic assessment and treatment addresses standardizes approaches to assessment and such treatment modalities as dynamic psychotherapy, group therapy, cognitive therapy, the latest advances in pharmacological treatment and inpatient treatment. A concluding section examines bipolar disorder-its clinical manifestations, natural history, genetics, and treatment.