Human trafficking captured the attention of the global community well over a decade ago, inspiring multifarious international, national, regional and local responses. While formally recognized as one of the major threats associated with transnational organized crime, human trafficking remains an issue about which much has been written and yet little is known or supported by empirical evidence. The essays selected for this volume reflect four key areas of debate: the transnational organized crime framework; the data and research landscape; the implementation of anti-trafficking responses; and the articulation of alternative responses to human trafficking. These essays are written by well-known and more recent contributors to this field of research. The collection draws attention to contemporary arguments as well as recent empirical research, and points to the importance of contextualizing human trafficking within both the global and local setting. This volume reflects where human trafficking data, research and debate is currently located and where it is heading, and as such is of interest to academics, students, policymakers and practitioners.