Courage, Contributions and Compliance: The Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance recognises calls from the United Nations (UN), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The elders, and others, for climate justice and urgent action, and convenes insights from leading legal and institutional experts, professors, professionals and early career scholars on emerging climate law and policy challenges, commitments and solutions.
The collection explores the role of law and governance in scaling up global responses to climate change and advancing sustainability. Based on careful study of international advances and the full spectrum of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the global response to climate change, as submitted by Paris Agreement Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the volume compiles a compelling, coherent and systematic topical account from across diverse legal jurisdictions. Analytical chapters by leading experts, practitioners and scholars close to ongoing climate negotiations explore recent legal and institutional innovations related to climate change which can support implementation and compliance with the Paris Agreement and advance the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They highlight ways to raise ambition through law and policy, to reform national legal and institutional arrangements to implement NDCs and to further develop international law and governance in the face of the existential threat of climate change and the world: sustainable development commitments.
Presenting a pathway for advancing climate ambition in the coming decades, this book will be of interest to government officials, academics, students, professionals and policy makers working in the area of climate law and governance.