Sebastian Hensel (1830–98), nephew of the composer, virtuoso pianist and conductor Felix Mendelssohn (1809–47), originally intended this work to be 'not only of the family but for the family', drawing on their letters and diaries. Persuaded by friends to publish his narrative in 1879, Hensel in particular provides a first-hand insight into the lives of his uncle, lionized by the music-loving public of his day, and Felix's beloved sister Fanny (1805–47), herself a talented composer and pianist. Translated from the German revised second edition by Felix's close friend, diplomat Carl Klingemann (1798–1862), this 1881 two-volume collection made available for the first time in English a great deal of valuable source material. Volume 1 covers the period 1729–1835, beginning with the birth of Moses Mendelssohn. Volume 2 covers 1836–47, focusing on the final decade of Fanny and Felix's lives.