Views of Seaside - Commentaries and Observations on a City of Ideas
Seaside, Florida, is a town designed as an "ideal" community, where houses have front porches and verandas, picket fences, sleeping porches, where streets are carved and paved with brick, and sidewalks are made of pebbles and seashells. This resort town on Florida’s panhandle coast has had an extraordinary impact on the thinking of architects, developers, planners, traffic engineers, sociologists, environmentalists, and even political thinkers. As the first, the most widely published, and now at twenty-five by far the most esteemed and well-known example of the revival of traditional neighborhood design, Seaside has become the icon of the New Urbanism movement, and has been emulated extensively.
Contributions by: The Prince of Wales, Witold Rybczynski, John Prescott, Robert A.M. Stern