This anthology is the showcase of the Huntarian's collection of paintings and a fascinatingenquiry into the relations between the literary and visual arts, intellectually curious and chargedwith delight, full of unpredicted pleasures and wonders, opening deep questions, suggestinguncertainties, affirming resolutions.The book collects work by Scotland's national poets Liz Lochhead and Edwin Morgan andGlasgow's poet laureate Jim Carruth. In all, there are twenty-one of Scotland's best poets writingin Gaelic, Scots and English, including Stewart Conn, Meg Bateman, Gerda Stevenson, ElizabethBurns, David Kinloch and Aonghas MacNeacail. Each poem addresses a range of artists andtheir works in unique illuminations and enquiries.The paintings, beautifully reproduced in the text, include works by J.D Fergusson, Cadell andPeploe, Whistler, Chardin, Jan Steen and Joan Eardley: major figures in European and Scottishtraditions.