DIESEL ENGINE VIDEOS contain 57 original videos, each averaging 2 minutes in length, on topics that cover both the theory and servicing of modern diesel engines, fuel and engine management systems. Designed to accompany the Fourth Edition of Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, the videos provide step-by-step demonstrations of some of the key shop floor procedures undertaken by technicians. There is an emphasis on service and maintenance tasks, and up-to-date equipment and tools are used in the demonstrations. Basic engine service techniques, engine reconditioning, and operations such as connecting to a chassis data bus are covered, along with demonstrations of dynamometer test bed procedure.
The videos were scripted and filmed with expert oversight at every step to insure the highest degree of authenticity and technical accuracy. They are ideally suited as attention-getting additions to the Powerpoint presentations available with Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, or to an instructor’s own lecture materials. The video files are available on CD-ROM and come with a chart correlating them to relevant Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems 4e chapters and to the NATEF Task List.
Give your students the advantage of understanding important repair procedures before they walk in the shop!