The "Heinemann Mathematics" series is a lively new resource, intended to make maths interesting and relevant for pupils. These copymasters are an alternative to the "Core Workbook" for Year 7 of the course, designed to provide pupils with practice in techniques introduced in the "Core Textbook".
The "Heinemann Mathematics" series is a lively new resource, intended to make maths interesting and relevant for pupils. It has been designed to place maths in real-life contexts, help pupils become confident problem-solvers, help pupils use and apply maths skills, ensure continuity and progression for high and low attainers, offer detailed teacher support and match the new curricula in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. "Heinemann Mathematics 7", intended for Year 7, provides revision of selected topics for National Curriculum Level 3, revision and consolidation of Level 4 and main coverage of Level 5 material. "Heinemann Mathematics 7" is substantially based on "SPMG Stage 5" which was published for P7 (age 11-12) in Scotland. These copymasters are an alternative to the "Core Workbook" (ISBN 0-435-52936-6) which supplements work done in the "Core Textbook", enabling pupils to focus on the underlying mathematics by giving practice in techniques and skills introduced in the Textbook.