A novel that bridges the market for 14+ & youth with urban adult literary fiction. Endorsed by Niall Griffiths. Affectionate, authentic and hilarious insight into a family governed by brand-name clothes and an older brother with a hard-man reputation to hold onto. Black comedy about trainers, trading, first- and last-chance romance and family pride. Fast-tracking, blackly funny but never bleak look at the world of Chris and Year Eleven mates, Zeb, Kish and Snowman, who trade in cut-price sweets; cadged fags and favours for Graham, who has a police-scanner in his living room for company. Welcome to Britain's top Chav Town, where if you want to go legit to get your clothes, you go to Stolen from Ivor. "Frank's real name is Sukraj and business has really picked up since he started paying Graham one hundred pounds per week for security. He doesn't put a guard on the door and he hasn't fitted any new cameras but Graham's security has definitely worked."