LIFE, T R A V E L S AND - OF T H A T F A I T H F U L S E V A N r J A N D MINISTER OF CHRIST, jOB SCOTT. -- F R O M THE CONCERNING - UR beloved friend Job Scott wzs born in Providence the I 8th of lath month 1 75 1, new fiyle, in that part of it now North-Provideice. His pafents ere JGhn and Lydia Scott, vho gave him fuch opyortuqitits as, through his turn for liter rary irnprovemerlt, kie acquired both a competent ihare of common fchool learning, aild lzadei3rne progrefs in iblne dthcr branclies of 1it.eriiurc. In his young years it appears, thzt bfjydifiegarding tlre teproofs -of initrua-ion, nlanife.ied in his I, own mind, -he was drawn irito xinity, diilipatiozl j and fdlly. Repeated and great were his coilfliQs i between his depraved propenfities and khc convic- tions df trith, but the 1atterl-rumllihg and meing i his heart into contrition, he S gricioufly favour- eci to fee the kvil of his tvays, and tlie defrruiotz which awaited him if he did -hot fejet the Telxpcl er, forfafie his hviclrcd coinpanion, dnd tilrn to tlie Lord, in obedience to his holy la.v writtkn -in his heart until at lehgth. he Tolearndd obedieicc by tlre things tvhicEi lie -iueked, that he gave up to tht dyerations of a the- A rpirjt ..- ., h. .32 Cbr-ifi npdn .him, t-li the faith of its divine raraining, preferving and CanRifying pprer, .and .thyreinr8 cxp, erienced the eonfolatioli of tifs lieavenly Fathers love. Being thus humbled under the various turnings. of the Lords hand upon him, and clearly convincecl of the power and eric-, cy of the diitinguifhing p-inriyLe of, our holy proiefion viz. .the, -light of Chrifi within man, as Gods gift for his falvation he requefted the care, ..a, - and kecaine . nmember, of the monthiy meetillg G Simithfield, then extendilg to PI-oviclnce izd being of itrong and ready abilities, and his mihcE ilnprov-ed and enlarged by she iinaifying polrTer of llruth, he was enabled and peahzrJZy and- rery ufefullf difpofld for the promotion of the caufe of rigl-teoufilefs in which he was engaged. - Having in rhe fcllool of Chrifi rneailrablylearncd the myfiery of the fall and reitoration of man, and to underitand the fcriptures and pertinently to apply them, he was brought under the preparing -haid of the Lorcl- for the work of tbe miniitry, under which difpenfztion his foul was deeply bap- -tized and brought urlder great fyrnpatlly with feekill3 fouls, who were travailing in birth that Clzrifk might be forned in them-, to vlioin he was- at times and fieafbns enabled poerfully to adininifier encouragernect and confblation. rrlus for feveral years, as well as by letters and epiilles, for which he was eminently gifted with inltr11Etive and edifying talents, he laboured for the promotion of the cauf of truth, now become precious in his fight and about the 23d year of his age he appeared in the . mii3iftry at a publick meeting in Providence, expreifive of the deiire of liis.foill, that Sion might arife and.fliake herfelf from the dpit of the earth, aiid pdt on hei l3eutifid rrnent3. rlie, saki in which he kpeared, thk fyvmpathy ivhicil Gas felt and the folemnitl c5f thjt ienfin, are ieirefliiiigly remembel-ed by iome to tlie yirefent dy. At this tiine ke taught h fcli6ol in 12rbvideiicei in which ernp10 h -oKtinued foi feviral yeSis, and afterivards in Smitlfield, luch to the farjsfaki tion df his ellovers, - and the children -and.yoiitl-i ulidei his care, IVOTdofidenci. and Afiions he very g-knerally gained and prereried, toA hnle of whom his cniory is yet precious. In his attendi ance of a11 our religiGus nleetings, and in the vai-if bus duties of Grivate life, as well ai iil the relation -. df fon, huihand parent and neighbour, lle tt.2 truly exemplary...