Running for health, fitness and fun has never been more popular and more and more women now identify themselves as runners. In 2005, half a million women ran the Race For Life in the UK - this charity run has become a key event on the calendars of many British female runners, and its popularity is increasing. In response to this growing trend, Dagny Scott Barrios and the experts at Runner's World have created this singular guide where women will learn how and why to make running part of their every day life.
Running has become the sport of choice for many women for its easily accessible physical benefits, its social aspects and for relieving stress and solving problems. With this in mind, Runner's World have created this guide which covers everything from getting started and achieving your first 30-minute jog to conquering the marathon. The book includes encouragement, training schedules and race-day tips for every distance from 5K upwards, tips and advice on warming up, cooling down and stretching - including a stretching programme, complete with photos, as well as a special strength-building workout. There is special advice on running during pregnancy and the menopause and tips on preventing and treating the injuries women are most likely to encounter. In short, this comprehensive and well-researched book should be every female runner's companion.