Over 10 important UFO sightings across the world, including Roswell, Rendelsham, and more.
There are specific UFO cases for which everyone should have a basic knowledge. Over 10 of these most important sightings and topics, occurring since 1945, model history with supported technical data, facts, and images supplying necessary information for those delving into the great mysteries of the universe. Historical background and possible explanations for experiences are offered here, and invite the reader to speculate and research further.
Explore the following cases:
UFOs over Germany, the Soviet Union, and the United States
Sightings by pilots and the secret of the Black Triangle
The Roswell Incident and Area 51
The case of Betty Cash and Vicki Landrum
and more
This collection is intended to suggest and remind readers that perhaps we should put the firmly established worldview into question and not exclude the possibility that there is more between heaven and Earth than we believe we know today.