Those engaged in the fields of peace and political psychology need to maintain a balanced view. To obtain this balanced view of the future, the editors invited sociologist and peace researcher Elise Boulding to write a paper concerning "cultures of peace" and then invited scholars and researchers from across the globe to comment on it. This special issue is the result.
Seeking a balanced view that does not ignore the harsh realities of today's world or drain us of hope for the future, this issue discusses:
*the positives and negatives of a possible paradigm shift from dominance to mutualism in both interpersonal and interstate relations;
*how human peaceableness can not occur until the pervasive problems of poverty, violence, ecological destruction, and discrimination are resolved;
*how peace does not mean acquiescence to an unjust patriarchal system of economic, ecological, and sexual exploitation;
*how advances in technology and marketing that have strengthened the culture of peace have done the same for the malign culture of violence; and
*the mission of transforming a culture of war to one of peace, presenting actions that are intended to facilitate the tranformation.