This book is a hard bound edition of a special issue (vol. 48/20-22) of the journal Electrochimica Acta. It summarizes the highlights of the 53rd Annual meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry and Annual meeting of the GDCh-Fachgruppe Angewandte Elektrochemie. The theme of the conference was Electrochemistry in Molecular and Microscopic dimensions and was based on the role of electrochemistry in the miniaturization of chemical and physical methods. Topics covered are : - development of electrochemistry with microscopic and molecular resolution;- initiation of advances in Electrochemical Microsystem Technologies EMT, and micro/nano-electronics;- development of Electrochemical Materials Science for nanomaterials;- enhancement of miniaturization and sensitivity of electroanalysis, and;- the bridge from electrochemistry to biology and medicine of microscopic and molecular understanding.