Winner of the University Continuing Education Association's CharlesA. Wedemeyer Award, which recognizes highly meritorious book-lengthpublications that advance research in independent study anddistance education.
"This manual is the one we have been waiting for! It takes dead aimat all the important issues facing distance learning providers andhits the bull's eye on every one of them. It is down to earth, realworld, and up to date. Its examples and insights for practitionershelp create the sense of urgency and excitement all of us indistance learning feel today."--Michael P. Lambert, executivedirector, Distance Education and Training Council
Today's advances in communications technology have created excitingnew possibilities for training professionals. But not alltechnologies are created equal. Distance Training examines thesenew tools to show how compressed video, satellite broadcasting, theInternet, and other innovations can each be used to their bestadvantage. In-depth case studies of sixteen progressiveorganizations--NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, and Unisys among them--providereal-world models readers can use to design learning programs thattranscend the traditional boundaries of time and space by turningthe home, office, and meeting room into immediate, effectivelearning environments.