This popular AAP manual provides expert help for virtually any commonly encountered pediatric ENT condition.
Pediatric Otolaryngology is the first place to turn for expert help with the myriad ear, nose, and throat disorders. From adenopathy to ankyloglossia, ear infection to epistaxis, and from stridor to speech disorders, look here for the state of the art across the length and breadth of pediatric ENT disorders.
Pediatric Otolaryngology delivers the precise level of detail primary care providers require. The book's practice-focused, case-based presentation streamlines patient problem-solving. "How to" clinical pearls help you master key diagnosis and treatment procedures. This must-have manual includes 100 high-quality photos and illustrations to aid with diagnosis.
Three new chapters: Complications of Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Retractions, Perforations, Cholesteatoma; Feeding Disorders/Ankyloglossia; and Pediatric Tracheostomy
Updated guidelines for treatment of otitis media with effusion
Updated guideline on newborn hearing assessment and cytomegalovirus causation
Updated recommendations to treat intractable drooling