I wrote "Aren't You Tired of It Yet?" because I am sick and tired of being screwed by our carpetbagging, shyster politicians. I'm sick of paying higher and higher taxes and getting less and less. I'm tired of my tax dollars being wasted on pork-barrel goodies and paybacks to big buck contributors and special interest groups. I'm tired of political correctness and liberal crybabies being soft on criminals--they sentence someone to death and then don't kill 'em! I'm sick of hearing "save the whales" and "save the trees" but abortions are okay. I'm tired of our open border policy, of losing the war on drugs, of our troops dying in Iraq and the downsizing of our miliary. I wrote this book to get to you, the American people, so that you can help me stop the way that our political leaders are giving away our jobs and running our country into the ground. Let's not give away the land of the free, home of the brave!