One of the central points of this term paper is the question to what extend people can formulate rules in the context of language structure and language use which are really USEFUL for a language.It is not the aim of this term paper to completely do away with the conversational maxims or to prove that they are useless. The goal of the next pages is to show, where the maxims do not work and why language - nevertheless - works perfectly. This question is highly pragmatic because the crucial point is to analyse why language works which is also a philosophical question because to answer these questions there has to be a general approach to the question what the word "language" in our context means.But all these aims mentioned above, can only partly explain the title of this paper. At the very end of the discussion the reader should not only know why there can exist successful communication even if a maxim is violated but he/she should understand why conversation is successful because a maxim is violated.Nonetheless the violation of maxims has to stick to certain rules as well, so that violating and flouting cannot be seen and presented as a more or less wide and open field of pragmatics without any rules. In fact after having read the next pages, it should also have become clear under which conditions and rules flouting and violating will be successful. A further step in the analysis of violation of the cooperative principle and the maxims will be the question if the cases of violation have to be seen as such, or if there are possible interpretations of these phenomena, where they can be analysed as language structures, which respect the cooperative principle. To say it brief: Is there really a violation of the maxims or is it just a matter of the point of view.To sum up all these different aims:This term paper questions the cooperative principle and the conversational maxims and tries to show where maxims can and where maxims even have to be flouted and to structure these cases as well. This means to give explanations structures and rules for flouting and violating in the English language.To achieve all these various points a quite high number of examples will have to be discussed because as it will become clear later on language in use, pragmatics, has to be discussed as such, namely by using it!