Energy – in the headlines, discussed controversially, vital. The use of regenerative energy in many primary forms leads to the necessity to store grid dimensions for maintaining continuous supply and enabling the replacement of fossil fuel systems. Chemical energy storage is one of the possibilities besides mechano-thermal and biological systems. This work starts with the more general aspects of chemical energy storage in the context of the geosphere and evolves to dealing with aspects of electrochemistry, catalysis, synthesis of catalysts, functional analysis of catalytic processes and with the interface between electrochemistry and heterogeneous catalysis. Top-notch experts provide a sound, practical, hands-on insight into the present status of energy conversion aimed primarily at the young emerging research front.
Contributions by: Shengfa Ye, Jan Rossmeisl, Marcus Rose, Reinhard Schomäcker, Ferdi Schüth, Shamil Shaikhutdinov, Martin Sterrer, Peter Strasser, Annette Trunschke, William R. H. Wright, Niklas Nilius, Klaus Friedel Ortega, Wolfgang Lubitz, Regina Palkovits, Dimitrios A. Pantazis, Maurice van Gastel, Siglinda Perathoner, Taras Petrenko, Joachim Maier, Mauricio Prieto, Dietrich Menzel, Ortwin Renn, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Bernd Meyer, Martin Muhler, Dmitry Murzin, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Frank Neese, Mikko Hupa, J. W. (Hans) Niemantsverdriet, Georg Kamp, Edward Kunkes, Roh Pin Lee, Jan van de Loosdrecht, Dominik Samuelis, Thomas Schmidt, Nicholas Cox, Atte Aho, Serena DeBeer, Nikolai DeMartini, Markus Antonietti, Karl Doblhofer, Sebastian Arndt, Hans-Joachim Freund, Malte Behrens, Cornelius M. Berger, Eckhard Bill, Armin Brandner, Gabriele Centi, Peter Claus