Everyone has at least one long-forgotten ball of string lurking at the back of a drawer. This handy booklet shows you how to transform an everyday, mundane item into an array of exciting makes for your home. From rustic garden twine to soft cotton braid, the pleasingly tactile nature of string makes it perfect for crocheting crafty treasures. All the basic techniques and know-how are explained, with clear step-by-step instructions and pictures accompanying all 9 projects. Projects include: Dish scrubs, Pot holders, Desk trays, Coin purse, Jam-jar candleholders, Bath mat, Storage boxes AUTHOR: Jemima Schlee is a prolific writer and contributor to craft magazines, including Country Homes & Interiors. She has a BA (Hons) from Bath University in Visual Communication. Jemima worked as a graphic designer and was Art Director for Laura Ashley Ltd (Interiors and Fashion worldwide). She then trained as a teacher and moved to Brighton on the south coast of England, where she now teaches deaf teenagers, in addition to her crafting. Jemima has also written several books for GMC Publications including Fat Quarter: Christmas and the 'Take a . . ' series. SALES POINTS: . 9 eye-catching projects made from string . Clear step-by-step instructions and pictures . Comprehensive techniques section 130 colour photographs