Billy Colias was one of the most remarkable players to come out of the Midwest. He overcame many obstacles to become one of the area's top players, and earned the title of FIDE Master before his untimely death in 1993. This book details his life and games, including thrilling victories against both amateur and professional opposition in the Midwest, throughout the United States, and in Europe.
This volume contains 101 games played by Billv Colias. including 15 he annotated himself. Most of the games have never been published elsewhere and the reader will find them not only enjoyable, but also instructive and tilled with original opening ideas. You will become acquainted with a true Midwest Master, and become a better player in the process.
This volume includes contributions and chess games analysis by
GM Joel Benjamin, NM Peter Bereolos, GM Arthur Bisguier, FM Ron Burnett, FM Al Chow, FM Billy Colias, FM Greg DeFotis, GM Arnold Denker, GM John Fedorowicz, IM Mark Ginsburg, Fred Gruenberg, GM Dmitry Gurevich, Tim Hernly, Curtis lkeuchi, GM Alexander lvanov, FM Eugene Martinovsky, John Tomas, Helen Warren
This volume is revised in 2013 by Eric Schiller with additional games and new chess analysis.