Lucky Fish! is a novel set in Johannesburg during the 1960s and is told by a 13-year old boy named Stephen. This account of Stephen's life during the apartheid regime, when his parents, Ivor and Lucy, became political prisoners at the same time, is remarkable for its authenticity and freshness. Stephen comes of age in unique and difficult circumstances but can understand his parents' motives and respects them for upholding their beliefs and for the courage of their actions. The reality of the family's difficulties is never glamorised, giving the reader a sense of how inconvenient and disruptive life was for Stephen and his parents. The story gives a full account of their moods and fights, yet chronicles the journey of love and understanding that the family takes. There is no tub-thumping or heavy political speech and no ideological asides, rather genuine, guileless writing. Lucky Fish! is a wonderful, sensitively written book for teenagers and young adults.