Proceedings of the 8th World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC VIII) : 28th August - 3rd September 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
At no time in modern history has energy played a more crucial role in the development and well-being of nations than at present. The source and nature of energy, the security of supply and the equity of distribution, the environmental impact of energy production and utilization, are all matters that must be addressed by suppliers, consumers, governments, industry, academia, and financial institutions.
The World Renewable Energy Congress is the world's premier conference on renewable energy. Held every two years, the Congress provides an international forum that attracts hundreds of delegates from more than 60 countries.
The CD-Rom contains papers presented at technical and plenary sessions from leading experts around the world. It facilitates the dissemination of the latest achievements in policy, research and applications.
* The most comprehensive resource of its type covering all aspects of renewable energy.
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* Contributions from the world's leading authorities