The seventh edition of this classic multidisciplinary text for students of gerontology continues to offer practical, user-friendly, and comprehensive information about the physical changes and common pathologies associated with the aging process. Fully updated with current information regarding diagnosis, risk factors, prevention recommendations, treatment approaches, and medications along with new statistics on prevalence and evidence-based clinical guidelines, this textbook focuses on physical changes and common pathologies of aging, while also considering the psychological and social implications with which they are inextricably linked.Through a systems-based approach, positive aspects of aging are emphasized, showing the reader how older adults can gain greater personal control through lifestyle changes and preventive health strategies. Included is important content related to teaching, health, and well-being, such as nutrition, medications, aging with lifelong disabilities, complementary and alternative therapies, and death and dying.
The seventh edition features a new chapter on gerontechnology, with new content on the influence of pandemics, including COVID-19, on death, dying, grieving, and funeral rituals. This multifaceted text also delivers new and updated information on diagnosis and treatment, along with stressed behaviors and interventions to promote more personal control the individual aging process. Helpful appendices include practical suggestions for improving safety for older adults and websites of relevant organizations, along with a glossary of medical terms used in the text. Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers.
New to the Seventh Edition:
A brand-new chapter on gerontechnology
Updated information on diagnosis and treatment, risk factors, and prevention recommendations
New statistics for prevalence and clinical guidelines/recommendations
Focus on behaviors and interventions providing personal control over aging process
Practical suggestions for improving older adult safety
Influence of COVID-19 on death, dying, grieving, and funeral rituals
Test bank and PowerPoint slides
Key Features:
A unique systems-based approach covering the anatomy and physiology of each organ system
Focuses on common health problems within each body system
Addresses psychological and social implications of aging
Provides evidence-based treatment strategies
Describes practical applications of aging data - how to use the data to so adults can gain greater personal freedom
Useful as textbook, practitioner's guide and family caregiver resource